
Oedipus in Disneyland

Oedipus in Disneyland: Queen Victoria’s reincarnation as Superman by Hercules Molloy.

Published by Paranoid Press, 1972.


I can’t pretend I’ve read this- I only bought it yesterday after all- but on skimming it seems to be a (badly written) cross between a Freudian nightmare and a Foucault’s Pendulum conspiracy theory horror story.

I’ve found a couple of reviews on-line- one from Angtime:

But nothing, nothing, nothing in the world will mess your head up more than “Oedipus in Disneyland” by Hercules Molloy. I have a first edition, for the simple fact that it never made it to a second. The title, snappy as it is, gives one only a small glimpse as to its range. The subtitle: “Queen Victoria’s reincarnation as Superman”, while also intriguing, is likewise only part of the tale. What will melt your mind is Clark Kent, unaware of his destiny, sitting alone in a Mexican jail cell, reading “Alice in Wonderland” and providing a subtextual play-by-play. Copies are hard to come by, not surprisingly, but a google search turned up one review that began with the words “It is positively disgusting….” And one webpage that just had some keywords: Classics-Alice-Wonderland-Kent-Clark-Dirty-Sex-Superman-Bad-Words which I think surmises it pretty well.

…and one from the International Journal of Social Psychiatry:

There’s also an amusing review/article here.

I think I’ll stick to skimming it!

Available via Amazon: Oedipus in Disneyland

3 Responses to “Oedipus in Disneyland”

  1. 1 Jason
    December 4, 2012 at 2:10 am

    Hi. Stumbled on your site as I googled the book title. I’ve had the book for thirty plus years. Forgot about it for 28 plus years. In my research, I discovered the author’s real name: Howard Thornton and little more thusfar. It sounds like Mr. Thornton was obsessed with an Alice/Queen Victoria relationship. He also wrote about it (minus the dirty parts) under the name: David Rosenbaum. Here’s a link to the article which gave me all this: http://alicecode.blogspot.com/



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